Are we people of such tradition and habit that we cannot escape the teachings of the past, you would sware it was hard-coded into our genes. Just like religion kills Christianity, so traditions can kill a dynamic life style which could be always moving forward, always on the look-out for something new.
Look don't get me wrong - its not that I go up against authority just by a matter of 'I will', its just that there is life beyond tradition and the way 'things have always been done' (Long live Queen Victoria).
You know y

This ties up with the die-hards who don't use a microwave, have never used instant coffee and instant gravy and for who the Internet is a mystery and not worth the time of day. My life and my time is too precious to waste on worrying whether the coffee is dehydrated and instant or whether is is ground from the beans and fresh. Its not that I don't like brewed coffee, home made gravy and grey little grannies - its just that in my life I have different priorities. People often ask me 'where do you get the time', 'how did you learn all this technology stuff' and other 'you have to be joking' questions.
Well the answers are easy - if its instant, if it improves my time management, if it frees up my life and in doing so gives me time to enhance my quality of living and time to do what I really love doing - then that is the way I go. It may take me longer to master than my 10 year old grandson, but in the end I get there just the same.
As for ageing gracefully - bring on the dye and the 'gym contract', granny is going through her mid-life crisis again. ROTFL
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