Monday, 3 August 2009

Is there more to life than this?

I wonder if there is a Bermuda Triangle for all the millions and millions of words written from peoples hearts and minds in blogs. How many of these ever find a home in a perfect strangers life who just happens to stumble over them. Still as I get older and more of a recluse - the thought of just dumping my totally irrelavant thoughts down onto a virtual sheet of paper - appeals to me. The 'blog becomes your friend' - scary thought.

Just finished the series of Roswell. Heaven only knows (and He is not telling me), how I missed it when it originally came out because I usually sniff out a good sci-fi when it hits the screen or TV channel. Took me about 2 weeks in my impossibly busy agenda. I am no owl but found myself watching till 1am in the morning. I kept promising myself, as soon as it gets to be repetitive, I'm dumping it and getting my life back. It never happened. Although it was written for older teenagers - the plot fascinated me, and 90% of the time was original enough not to give me the feeling - ho hum here we go again. Now I am saturated with Roswell, its oozing out of my pores but its old news - no one wants to chat about the plot, the characters, the movie any more. My generation - well their response was "what is Roswell', my friends - nope 99% Christian and would most probably go into rigger mortise if they knew I love sci-fi (not horror) and fantasy.

My poor teddy bear - has never eaten so many 'take outs' in his life, his wife was lost in the sci-fi Roswell and I did not stop until I watched all 3 seasons. Pity they do not continue now with a older version, may be less sticky sweet, now that that edge of innocence has left the casts faces.
Oh well you know what the bible says, 'in the last days we will 'dream dreams' - not that it was talking about sci-fi LOL but at least we can dream of the next season.

So if there is still someone out there young enough to remember Roswell, but old enough to make intelligent comments on it, someone who sat, like I just sat - every free waking moment glued to the laptop (set on Zone 1 as I fall in Zone 2) just to finish all three seasons - let me hear it. D'

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