I remember writing a poem while still a teenager "I am what I am, one of the living dead, thoughts of salvation float in and out of my head".
They still walk among us you know!
I found myself during the time of the Beatles, Rolling Stones and the hippies. I opted for a hippy lifestyle, "make love not war', 'peace', "Lucy in the Sky with diamonds". I remember a gathering of the "flower people" at Kirstenbosch. I was tall, long hair with flowers (of course) thin as a rake and the local paper took a photo of me. It appeared on the front page and my poor mother had to hide the paper from my father so he would not see 'his innocent little lamb' and crush all his fantasies he had about me and my still playing with dolls. I was a ripe 15 year old and believe me, in those days I would climb out of my window (3rd floor apartment) watched by an ever growing unbeknown to me, 'fan club' and go to experience the 'delights of growing up'. Believe me - Barbie stayed at home.
All my then 'fling' wanted to do was marry me by tying cords around our arms", thank goodness I was not a romantic and told him what to do with his cords!
I still see them, walking among us. Shadows of their former selves. Most heading for 60 years of age. Their hair is still long, unkempt. Their clothing made of natural fibres and real 'come Jesus' sandals on their feet. They wear lots of beads, or course home-made jewellery. Today's generation write them off as eccentric, odd or just plain stupid to be dressing like that. But they should take the time to talk to them. Those hippies brought in the change needed to break away from the old Victorian traditions. The ever near threat of global atomic war that held us all in fear in its icy grasp, lost its hold when these 'flower power' children sat on the grass and listen to Simon Garfunkel and other 'foke singers' .
In their generation we landed on the moon and lost some of the 'old ways of doing things' in the process. The neat cut hair - gone. The hats and the tie to church - gone. The freedom to laugh in the wind and just be yourself - gained, the bomb never fell, Vietnam was a total disaster, so why worry about tomorrow. Just "are you going to San Francisco, you better wear some flowers in your hair"!
Today teens take it for granted, longer hair, casual clothes, freedom of speech, freedom of movement - but it was hard fought for by those pioneers of old, the 'free spirits' - years, and years ago. Brought with blood and sweat at a time when this 'new' lifestyle was not accepted as the norm. Why you could not even visit the Voortrekker monument if you wore jeans or shorts in those days, and if I went to 'town' it was in a dress preferably with gloves. Today the CEO of a large IT company earning millions, has a earring and my daughter has a tattoo - Oh my word, we have come a long way.
So let's not look with pity as they shuffle by - pony-tailed but balding on top. Let's not call it a 'freak show' when they wear loose clothing and beads more suited to a younger generation - they have earned the right -'those who walk among us still'.
So how do you know 'they are one of those?' - look a little deeper, "it's captured in their faces, and mirrored in their eyes', it reflects in their walk, their attitude to life of 'live and let live', and echoes in their laughter through time. Less we forget.
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