Decided to start a Sci-Fi fan club on www.mytalent.co.za - just for fun. What the heck I could be dead within the next ten years or so, may as well leave something of my alter-ego in the virtual world of lost words and hidden personalities.
Just finished watching Season 1 of Heroes. "Watch it granny" said my 13 year old granddaughter - so I bought two seasons, (must be ok - she is only 13) sat down with diet coke and started to watch a complicated, gory, fantasy come supernatural movie series.
Well its no Roswell - which was sticky sweet but still my favourite, and its no Carnivale - which I finished last week, which was - dark, to say the least and as I said before, borders on what I let though my eyegate but it has value. Spent most of the time wishing I could get Nick Stahl into a bath, and wondering if he had fleas in his clothes or if they actually washed them during the filming and just stuck some dirt on them again. Most of the cast that did the ground work stayed dirty to the point I wondered how on earth any of the women got off with them. In the fantasy world - they must have stank!! Still not a bad series - not all who seem good are good, and not all who seem bad are bad, but from a Christian perspective, anyone who heals someone and it kills the vultures or anyone else in the area - left me wondering about Revelation that warns of imitators of gifts in the last days. Maybe the series is closer to the truth than one realises.
Back to Heroes author must have kept their brain switched on 24/7 to write this series. You meet all the characters one at a time, (still wondering if more are going to crawl out of the woodwork in Series 2), get to know their lives, get frustrated at their lack of acceptance of their abilities, maybe Roswell just spoilt me. I found it frustrating that they took so long to start finding each other with special abilities, and of course the introduction of Sylar - the one with the inferiority complex who needs to feel acceptance by absorbing others abilities - put an edge on the movie which took away any thoughts I had of 'If my 13 year old granddaughter suggested it, it must be ok" Ha!! Last time I take what she says at face value. So here I am hopping back and forth in time, plus they throw in a curve ball with the "6 months earlier" - usually this type of scene is just a flashback, this one left me feeling I had maybe missed a chapter somewhere and fallen asleep
However the series is keeping me on my mental toes - as you really have to learn and remember your characters, time, place, things said, things suggested - to get the full value out of the interaction between the characters. Nothing done or said, no chance meeting of persons is co-incidental. Everything and everyone intertwines somewhere.
Something that scratched was Hiro Masi Oka. I felt Roswell was more plausible here. It is an unwritten rule that a future personality cannot travel back in time and meet their past personality. As one watches Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Supernatural movies - certain ground rules seem to be in place, but I guess now-a-days its the writers prerogative to break the rules, after all 'in my days' vampires would have burned to a cinder in the sun, now they glow like a mother of pearl shell - think of Twilight.
Plus Sylar and his absorbing brain habits, smacks a little of The Highlander - another movie which should have stopped while the going was good.
I see some similarity between Roswell and Twilight as far as copy-cat goes. Well maybe not copy-cat could just be the way movies are going now-a-days. Both have a romantic backdrop. Both lead roles are men with shall we say supernatural powers, that look down slightly giving their eyes and looks a slightly 'off world feeling' - that make them unreachable and off limits to mere humans. Both their leading ladies, look like sweet innocent little 16 year olds that could have been sisters in another life.
Mmm think of the possibilities of Roswell with a new unknown member of the pod-squad - Edward Cullen - minus the teeth. Well that is the things fantasy is made of immaterial if you are 16 or 60 - speaking for the feline section of course.
Oh I wish they would bring on Roswell: The Next Generation, that I could live without having nightmares - then again, they might be adults and survival is built into all our genes - right!?
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