Have you ever taken time just to scan someone's Desktop - it's like in the old days, when we scanned someone's book collection, or today their DVD collection - you learn so much about the person. Hidden things, unexpected tips, revelations. Discussion points.
From my desktop you will find I am orderly like a typical left-brain, but there are things there that do not fit the profile. Items that point to the dominating right-brain.
My friend has every single document she is working on, displayed on her DeskTop. Scary thought -it looks about as inviting as her desk - hidden under molding paper piles, unanswered messages and massive 'I must do today' folders. Her desk is about as organised as her life.
But then I am finding it harder and harder to find people of my age who can communicate with me. So what do I do? I join Alpha at the local Methodist church. At first glance I see I have been allocated the 'golden oldie' group - well that is where I belong minus my 'auburn Nice and Easy' hair colour.
"So what do you do for a living" they ask after I have managed to bypass their, 'What church do you belong to" questions. My husband digs me in the ribs, 'answer them', he hisses in my right ear.
"Well I am a training librarian. I teach students how to access information sources via google, online databases and how to use Web 2.0 tools to communicate - you know like FaceBook, Blogger, g-mail, MySpace, Delicious . We even created a webpage for the Pharmacy students via Wiki - you know the same software they used to create Wikipedia. They worked in groups and put their whole assignment up on the web via Pharmwiki." I happy rumble on towards the cliff-face not realising the impending danger of my words.
The room grows deathly quiet. Eyes are narrowing and even in the heat of the room, arms are folding as the body language screams out at me. [Mental note to myself, 'stick to talking about your grandchildren and your operations].
"I can use e-mail", one lady pipes up breaking the silence. 'I had to learn it, my daughter lives in the USA". By this time I am ready to murder the hissing snake sitting to my right side and I am trying my best to find a 'backdoor' out of this conversation and back to the topic of the night - the Bible, inspired Word of God.
"So" says the facilitator with all eyes boring into my brain, 'how do you read the bible'. Whew - set free at last. "Well", I offer as down to earth as possible, "I like to do topic studies - you know take the index and a word like Armageddon and follow it from Genesis to Revelation. I have a study bible (large print of course - age is a factor), so following 'type and shadow' images - becomes really easy".
The e-mail granny takes me on, "Oh no, I just read it as is and ask 'what is this saying to me'. That is all we need to do".
Sigh!! "Yeah right" I think in the recess of my mind, "that way the story of Noah is about a man who heard God and listened to Him, and the story of Abraham offering his son Isaac as a sacrifice and God providing a goat in his place - tells us God provides if we obey' but dear woman - there are deep, deep spiritual meanings to these stories, that link to other stories found in the New Testament, why out of all of Jewish history God decides to capture these two (just for example) stories and surface reading is not going to reveal that to you'.
So I open my mouth to answer and what do I say, 'That will work too!". Cop-out. Peer Pressure. At my age, I need my head read. Then just to add injury to insult I add, 'I would be happy to teach you a little Internet usage, free of charge - it can be fun'.
Folded arms again, 'I admire you D' that someone of your age (that's right bring on the salt for the wound), understands these things, but I see no value in using any of this". [That does it, grandchildren and operations from now on]!
Wonder if I should tell these fun loving, kind hearted Methodists, I belong to a happy clappy church and besides training children and adults, I preach too. My next sermon is called 'Similar, I don't think so Mr Muslim"!! - nawh, that will really bury me for good and we still have 6 more meetings with a camp to survive - plus I have grown to like these 'old dears' grandchildren, operations, animals, holidays and all!!!.
Is there anyone out there that is over 55 years old that can communicate with me 'just on a surface level' will be cool!! LOL
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