Friday, 7 August 2009

Life is to Short to Stuff a Mushroom

I don't have much free time in my life - too involved in Kingdom work but I have several philosophies, if one can call them that, over and above a unbending belief in the supernatural spiritual world where purity and evil are busy with an ongoing war, that helps me keep track of my life. Sometimes I look at my friends whose lives are spinning out of control, people who settle for second best or others whose lives have reached the doldrums of monotony and they have no vision for change, and I think to myself - "get a life woman"! We are where we are due to the decisions we make day by day. Life is a choice.

I know women who sit and cry about 'their lot in life'. One woman whose daughter is physically and verbally abusing her but she just stays in that situation. She does not want 'out' she wants prayer. Why?? If you stay to play in Satan's garden you are gonna get scratched by the thorns, believe me I talk from experience. Life is a choice and some people just make bad choices. Her husband abused her years ago, now her daughter abuses her but when you offer to help get her out of the situation she just sinks back and says "pray for me". Oh come on there has to be more to life than this. What is she addicted to - abuse? Does she find security in abuse? Is she too scared to move out of the situation because that will take her into an unknown world?

When people ask me how I am I respond, "healthy and happy" - why? Well 99% of my life I am happy, and I am not going to let the 1% of unhappiness drag me down. Waste of time and energy. There is always a way out. (that is biblical LOL)

Women tend to fuss and fret over minor issues in life. I always say, "if its not going to be an issue five years from now - its not worth making an issue over it now".

Who has time to stuff mushrooms now-a-days? There are so many facets of life one can be involved in. I never change my furniture around. Sherbet! - do you know how many people change their furniture around every week. I must admit to one vice and that is every five years or so I get teddy-bear to change the colours of the wall in the house, but then you have to ask yourself - "how long can you live with one dark green wall".

That is another thing to ask in life, "this thing I am doing now - can I live with it". A painting can look really 'cool' this summer and in five years time you are wondering what on earth made you buy the thing in the first place! I being right brained tend to rush into things without thinking them through to their conclusion - adds a window of expectancy and adventure to life at times. You know when you are abseiling off the cliff into the unknown - you have to be a fast thinker to make the thing work. Still I suppose we have to allow a certain amount of evolving in our life experience. Thank goodness I have learned to find answers as I fly.

What brings me to another point. Moving on. Why on earth do people let the past influence the future? I see lives of friends destroyed by bad relationships, bad decisions yet instead of taking the experience and vowing never to "let that happen again" and move on, they sit in the mess and make mud pies. Sigh!!
I have made several really bad decisions in my life and not all of them just affected me. Of course I have regrets, but I have to be realistic I cannot turn the clock back. Things I did were sin, would be nice to call it something else and sugar-coat it but sin is sin and I destroyed the faith of some people in me and almost shipwrecked my own spiritual walk in the process. It took me a few years to ask forgiveness and forgive myself - but I still moved forward albeit a little slower.

There is so much to do, empowering others through training, saving others through teaching, planting seeds into peoples lives that will help them mature as Christians, or see a glimmer of hope in their future. We feed the homeless from time to time, we cloth those who are cold, we supply stationary to poor kids - mainly by getting the 'haves' to share with the 'have not's'. You know the old story - "I complained about my old shoes till I saw a man without legs".

Mmm - my resolution could be "Be less Self Centred", Put the Past Behind You. Look around there is a dying world out there. Spiritually, mentally and physically. Make a difference". If you are lonely be a friend, if you are hungry share the little you have. If you have knowledge and wisdom on subjects - plant into others lives - as you do, your own life will gain meaning. If you are Christian - reach out physically and spiritually, bring hope to hopeless situations. If not become a seed planter into others lives. Doing good will not 'save you' or give you entrance into heaven - but at least you will 'feel good' about yourself while you still live. LOL

I think just maybe finding what excites you, and investing your energy into that will already make a difference. Let go and let God - not a bad idea at times!

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