Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Men verses Women

A young friend of mine is having boyfriend problems, but when I mentioned that most men and women approach relationships in a different way - I opened a can of worms that one just cannot discuss on a open social network like Facebook.

However here in the preview of my mind - I can say what I like (well to a point). That young man who threw the bible at me about Gods love being perfect and so all love is perfect - is very naive and very ill informed. We live in an imperfect world torn apart by sin and the results of sin, with even Christians sitting in the divorce courts today.

If you my young friend really think that women and men are similar in relationships, or how they think or how they respond to life - then you have a lot to learn and God has nothing to do with it. Men and women are about as alike as cats and dogs. We both breath, we both have blood, we both have brains and bodies but how we use them are very, very different.

You accuse me of generalization and I guess that is true, but so is the reverse. To say we are all the same is just as much of a generalization and an insult to women as you found it to be of men.

I am unique, I don't think like men, I don't react like men do, and I have no desire to. At a meeting most men (notice I accompany you and say 'most') LOL, spread out their papers and pens and claim their territory. Those in charge speak the most and interrupt the most. Women put their knees together, pat their papers into a neat pile and take as little space as possible - we are not territorial at all and we generally nod in agreement to most of what is being said - which most men do not.

'Most' men like big offices - the bigger the office the more status. Not me, I am just happy to have an office of my own. Ask a man what he does for a living and he will tell you in such a way you think he owns the garage when in fact he is a junior motor mechanic. Ask a women and 'most' will say "I am only a ......" downplaying their role. Very few women will sound the horn of their achievements like men do.

Women commit to relationships lock, stock and barrel. When you say 'you love them' they believe you in childlike trust. Women get emotionally involved and 'most' once in love, would marry you if you asked them to. Men are not emotional creatures - their commitment to start with is on the surface by which time the woman is already into a deep relationship. I am not saying men do not change and commit in the end, but if you think all men enter into a relationship with the thought 'This is the woman I am going to marry and spend the rest of my life with' then you have a lot to learn.

I have been married for 37 years, met my hubby when I was 16 years old but it took more than the first few years to cement our commitment to each other, in such a way that we only had eyes for each other into eternity. I am still married to my 'boyfriend' today as we enter our 'senior years' and I would not swop him and who he is for all the world.

I think the girl you meet is going to be very fortunate as it seems you commit for life, first time around and you believe so does she. If you keep your relationship God founded and grounded you should have a long and happy marriage - but do try and rejoice in 'your differences', I don't think God ever intended for Adam to be an Eve and Eve to be a Steve.


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