Sunday, 13 March 2016

Binge Watching

I don't know about you but when you are still ADHD and heading for 65 life takes on a whole new meaning. I once read a description that said, "I can't clean my room because I get distracted by all the cool stuff I find". Yip dats me.

One thing I hate is watching a part of a series today and another part next week. That kills me. I can't wait that long - and the chance I will still be available in the same place, at the same time is as close to zero [and I am not talking about Ground Zero], as one can get. So I get series from a group of downloading geeks and on any given day when I know I need to just 'sit still and concentrate' - I start binge watching one of the series. If I like it - I go out and buy it for my growing collection but I will not pay for junk - copyright or no copyright.

When it comes to movies especially sci-fi - one should really not apply critical thinking skills but together with my ADHD is a drive to perfections so here is my list of what I think rocks when it comes to movies.

1. The main actor/actress or producer must at least have made a name for themselves if at all possible. Yes - I am a sucker for that. Sooo much easier to watch something by Steven Spielberg and know its gonna rock your world - than sit and suffer through some low budget attempt at depicting life or fantasy. That brings me to number two...

2. The plot or preferably plots must be good. I like to have to sit and wonder how they will all cross paths - the battle in my mind is electrifying. Then of course the obvious - they must tie into a bow in the end - don't leave me hanging unless you plan to bring out a second movie in the same line.

3. I don't want to look at a movie and think - wow this computer animated scene is awesome. I want to be so sucked up into the story-line and the visuals that I forget it was created by a row of 010101010.

4. If its low budget it better have a famous actor or a mind boggling plot - or don't bother. Just watched the first few episodes of  "The Legion of the Seeker" - 6/10. Some good stuff but generally more suited to teens. Like most of these low budget or seemingly low budget efforts - costumes are dull, colour is dull, plot within a few episodes becomes predictable. Good looking actors with baby faces and bodies oiled and shining from a few hours a day lifting weights don't do it for me. It takes a lot more than that to keep my interest. Why do men always think this is what women like - that is just weird. Give me a man that is cuddly, with character lines on his face, eyes that can read into my hidden soul and a mind that can listen to my woman's chattering and within an wink of an eye take me on a new adventure with a unique subject -  any day!

5. When it comes to movies - I want to be surprised - at my age I have seen them all - well at least the good, the bad and the ugly that made it to the silver screen and went down in history. Watched as grey-scale movies turned into a hand painted [so it looked] pink blue colour to within a few years - full colour. 10 cents for popcorn and a movie - three rows from the front watching some or other Beatles movie - brings back warm memories.

Too many movies today seem to be clones of something in the grey mist of my mind that is similar. Pity. It must preferably be unique. Started watching "Shannara Chronicles" 7/10 - excellent filming ideas - some cool new thoughts for the story lines, costumes vibrant, makeup realistic and different and a few plots, acting fairly realistic except for a few places where I felt the 'angelic faced, muscle bound' blond boy could have done with drama lessons, generally the story is well thought out but the similarities to "Legion of the Seeker" are clear as living daylight. Seems they plagiarized each other. But give it its due - after the fourth episode while it was becoming a bit boring, at least I was a little disappointed that this episode is as far as my new found 'friend' had given me - it must be a new series overseas - lets hope it make the SA Screen before I get so old I need a wheelchair to get to the remote, and when I get to it, forget why I wanted it in the first place or before I die.  Such is life - pass the popcorn.

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