Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Training Librarian Job Description

After rather unsuccessfully finding a job description for a Training Librarian I humbly post mine in the hope it will assist other "Seekers" who want to create one.

Denyse Knipe
Training Librarian
Library and Information Science
Information Literacy Training


1.    Presenting information literacy course to students and staff according to fixed schedule and requests of lecturer.
2.    Delivering information about the literacy courses to staff & students busy with research, and at faculty or management meetings when requested to do so.
3.    Dealing with user enquiries which may involve one-on-one training revision sessions and providing the training.
4.    Present basic computer skills on request to skill students so that they are able to use the on-line catalogue, Internet, databases and type assignments by way of a computer or laptop.
5.    When requested to do so assist with training on other campuses where the trainer is away or post is vacant.
6.    Participate in all community upliftment projects identified by library or Faculty by developing and providing training and other administrative training and support when requested to do so.
Administrative Duties
1.    Bi-annually compiling advert icw training and circulating to Science Faculty
2.    Maintain an annual booking calendar up-to-date for all modules to be presented,  indicating times, module to be presented, student/staff numbers and contact details of their lecturer
3.    Keeping a global register per diploma of attendance of students at different modules  to monitor attendance so as to facilitate presentation of Certificate of Attendance. Follow up bi-annually with lecturers where no bookings have been done for a diploma at the Faculty of Science or where attendance by students is sporadical .
4.    Marking and keeping record of all written or online assessments and sending the marks to lecturers on request.
5.    Maintain the Drop-Box account creating the necessary i-cloud files and uploading all updated modules, videos or other information relevant to training. Invite all new trainers via email or at InfoLit meetings to link to the account.
6.    Keep Library Science Faculty FaceBook page up-to-date weekly with relevant scientific articles, links to suitable Internet sites, positive communication from TUT icw projects that are of interest to students e.g. Science and Technology Train, and any information that supports personal improvement e.g. study methods and life-skills.
7.    Annually update, compile and photocopy the Student Workbook for all first years with additional information on Information Literacy modules, outcomes and including the latest academic sites, databases and all handouts.
8.    Attend  and represent the InfoLit SC at all meetings that are relevant to Information Literacy. Includes LIS SC, ThroughPut Committee and meetings with Staff and Student Development.

Curriculum Development and Instructional Design

1.    Keep all modules updated by keeping photos, video clips, screen-shots of changes to the layout of the Library sections, change in staff profiles or new staff members, changes on the Library homepage, catalogue, Internet and database sources, plus keep speakers’ notes captured on the slides, relevant to the current month.
2.    Contributing to academic course development by participation in on-line professional groups or networks e.g. via LinkedIn, including ongoing liaising with academic support departments e.g. TLwT, faculty departments and lecturers and with Librarians that are involved in Information Literacy Training at TUT or at other academic institutions both nationally and internationally.
3.    Do ongoing research to ascertain the latest methodology being used and content being covered both nationally and internationally in the field of Information Literacy. Update training where necessary and if needed arrange training for Information Librarians. Drop all updates into DropBox for the Information Literacy Sub-Committee members.
4.    Attend conferences, and/or present papers and attend training to keep own knowledge in the latest developments in information literacy, presentation skills, methods, content and computer skills up-to-date. Where applicable implement into TUT InfoLit Modules after consultation with InfoLit SC.
5.    In consultation with TLwT support service and with input from members on the InfoLit SC and when needed database librarian, develop scripts and record Camtasia video clips for linking to PowerPoint modules or to be used online via MyTutor for revision or distant students. Keep these videos updated with any changes in content, internet sites, databases, homepage or screen shots etc
6.    Together with input of question ideas from the InfoLit SC members create questions for the question bank in a variety of display options using Blackboard for on-line revision assessments. Combine with PowerPoint and video tutorials and publish for use by student and staff bodies on and off campus. Monitor use and update when necessary.
7.    As chair-person of the Information Literacy Sub-Committee ask secretary to call for Agenda points, fix dates and format of meeting and chair/facilitate meeting. Follow up with Librarians who have committed to certain tasks and provide feedback by way of a report to the Library Information Science Steering Committee.

Electronical Resource Centre

1.    Supervise ERC Assistant and when needed staff under their supervision to ensure the smooth running of all services in the ERC, i-centre and Knowledge Commons.
2.    Provide one-on-one assistance/training to students doing information searches on Internet or databases and in the use of programs needed to produce a typed report and correctly referenced paper.
3.    When requested to do so, train/assist researchers busy with literature searches when they are using databases and the Internet in the ERC/knowledge commons.
4.    Make sure that all problems – hardware, software, electrical or staff are reported timeously by the ERC assistants to the relevant departments. Follow up if necessary.
5.    Send suggestions for upgrades in hardware or programs needed in the ERC to the ERC Manager for consideration and implementation by adding to the global image.

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